The Tracking season will begin on Saturday 27th April 2019. The usual start time is 8am however you are encouraged to arrive by 7.45am so that you can be assigned a group and area to train in.
This year, groups of 12 dogs will be taken for a 3 week beginners course before being shared among other training groups. These beginners must attend all of the 3 Saturdays to progress.
Beginners – If you haven’t registered, please do not just turn up as we will not be able to accommodate you!
For the returning members, please print off the 2019 membership form from the website, fill it in and hand it and your money to Janet who will be at base camp. The membership form can be located at this link
While training will finish at approx. 10.30, we would encourage you to come back to base camp to have a cuppa and make our new members welcome.